Our impact
The work of Access Accelerated and our partners is felt by millions of people each year. The evidence of our reach can be found everywhere, from smaller local initiatives that have taken root and grown into national programs to the many people whose lives have been transformed by better access to screening and treatment for noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).
Global impact
Between 2017-2023, Access Accelerated contributed over US$25 million to a Trust Fund that gave the World Bank flexible, catalytic funding to respond and tailor solutions to country NCD needs. This included 44 World Bank activities at the global, regional, and national levels, spanning several dozen LMICs.
Access Accelerated contributions
No. of World Bank activities supported
The Access Accelerated partnership is an excellent example of a strategic partnership with the private sector which encouraged innovations, built capacity, and empowered clients to roll out new ways of doing business to tackle the surge in NCDs with a focus on the primary healthcare and community levels.”
- World Bank Trust Fund Completion Report: “Tackling Non-Communicable Diseases Challenges In Low and Middle-Income Countries”
In 2022
Over 21 million were screened for an NCD risk factor
In 2022
More than 11 million were diagnosed with an NCD
In 2022
Over 3.5 million received treatment
From 2020 to 2022
13 projects were scaled up at the national level, evolving from pilots to locally embedded solutions
From 2020 to 2022
Partner projects contributed to policy-making in 35 countries
From 2020 to 2022
200 knowledge products were produced, supporting the training of 5,644 people
Case studies
Case studies provide a firsthand look inside real-world projects, guiding us through their complexities, and offering nuanced insights and lessons learned. They give us a comprehensive overview of deliverables and outcomes and enable us to document the human realities of a project. This allows us to gauge impact in a way that numbers and data alone often can’t capture and see our work through a people-centered lens.
Stories from the Field
News15 February 2024
Building a brighter future: How Kosovo is tackling NCDs
World Bank study on Kosovo reveals how tackling NCDs can save lives and propel Kosovo’s economy Since declaring independence in 2008, the Republic of Kosovo has seen important human…
News10 October 2023
Lessons from Chile: Rethinking Mental Health and NCDs in Primary Healthcare
As countries around the world strive to provide quality healthcare for their population, Chile emerges as an example of how an innovative approach has the potential to transform public health…
News18 April 2023
What Kenya can teach us about NCDs and the power of sharing knowledge
It’s a double burden of disease. As Kenya, along with many countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, continues to wrestle with communicable diseases—HIV, malaria and tuberculosis are among the leading causes of…
News29 November 2022
Rethinking the response to noncommunicable diseases for aging countries in Europe and Central Asia
When it comes to the mounting challenge of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), no country or region is spared, but it is felt particularly keenly in Europe and Central Asia (ECA). This…
News20 October 2022
Improving mental health and shedding light on an invisible disease: Part 2
This two-part series to mark World Mental Health Day examines some of the ways we can improve the delivery of mental health services in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Read…
News20 October 2022
Improving mental health and shedding light on an invisible disease: Part 2
This two-part series to mark World Mental Health Day examines some of the ways we can improve the delivery of mental health services in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Read…
More stories
Noncommunicable Disease Prevention and Control in Europe and Central Asia
Aging populations and rising NCDs pose significant challenges in Europe and Central Asia. With support from Access Accelerated and The World Bank, countries are building more resilient health systems to better prevent NCDs and advancing long-term care strategies across the region.
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Improving the Care Cascade for NCDs in the Caribbean
Through flexible funding from Access Accelerated, the World Bank is supporting countries including Brazil, Colombia, and Uruguay, in developing innovative solutions to manage multimorbidity and advocate for increased investment in care.
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Support Tool for NCD Service Delivery Vietnam
As one of the flagship initiatives from the inception of the Access Accelerated – World Bank partnership, this activity has grown, matured, and evolved since it began in 2017.
Enhancing access to knowledge and financing to safeguard human capital
Many of the World Bank’s projects in partnership with Access Accelerated work to enhance individuals’ ability to age healthily, particularly by prioritizing access to new knowledge and financing.
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Primary healthcare as an avenue to respond to national and regional needs
The World Bank is acutely sensitive to the importance of primary healthcare and several projects funded by Access Accelerated support this first point of care.
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How ready are countries to address NCDs among aging populations?
Access Accelerated support enables the World Bank to reimagine care by leveraging its ability to collate actionable evidence and conduct advanced analytical work. The result: a report that guides countries with aging populations to assess their readiness to respond to NCDs.
Read more
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